Elite Bankcard offers the most innovative EMV Creidt Card, Debit, EBT/ SNAP processing machines in the industry today
Your business must qualify to receive the Store Front POS tablet, EMV machine, mobile devices, or to convert your POS software. Every business (retailer) WILL NEED A NEW SYSTEM because of the fraud concerns that Europe proved can be avoided. The new system is EMV which stands for Europa, Master Card and Visa. Soon there will be no more giving your card to a server who disaappears with it, everything will done with a smart card. A smart card has a chip that has the information on it instead of the magnetic strip. The smart card is Inserted into the front of the machine or pin pad ; the customer then puts in a pin instead of signing. No more fraudulent cards or unauthorized users. Soon every merchant (retailer) will have to have an EMV capable credit card machine. Elite Bankcard Solutions is ready with the solution to meet the dead line October 2015: and with Elite Bankcard it is free to qualified merchants with low simple pricing. Call now and an agent will be ready to assist you: 888-590-8099
EMV Machine Free to Qualified Businesses
Free EMV Machine for Qualified Businesses
Your business must qualify to receive the Store Front POS tablet, EMV machine, mobile devices, or to convert your POS software. Every business (retailer) will need a new replacement system (terminal) to be EMV compliant.
Elite Bankcard Solutions is ready with solutions to meet your need in time for the October 2015 deadline. With Elite Bankcard, an EMV-compliant POS is free to qualified merchants with low simple pricing.
Call now or contact us online and an agent will be ready to assist you: 888.590.8099
The Clover Solution delivers an all in one, cloud-based system that will be the centerpiece of small and mid-sized businesses. It is sleek, reliable, user-friendly, and innovative built to meet the complete spectrum of payment and business management needs. The clover Solution will deliver freedom and control to small business owners, so they can forcus on their passion.

Meet POS

Meet "FLEX",
Ask me about Mobile Credit Card Processing Work ?
Smartphones and tablets are transforming the in-store shopping expereince. Mobile credit card processing is the next step in that transformation. Several large retailers are working to replace standard registers with mobile payment processing units in an effort to provide better customer service and complete transactions for their customers quickly.

Call our office for more information 888.590.8099

We pride ourselves on offering our Merchants the latest in POS technology. All of our machines are EMV Ready.
See more on EMV here.